Well, I saw 3 Idiots yesterday, i.e. the first day first show (almost). This should come as no surprise to those of you who know me well, since I am a huge Aamir Khan fan.  But fret not, for this is not another film review…there are plenty of those available on the net and the media. Suffice it to say that the movie is excellent and holds true to the Aamir Khan standard.

The discerning message of the movie, one repeated by Aamir’s character with reasonable frequency, is that one should not pursue success, one should only aspire towards excellence and success would naturally follow.

It was this message which was left resounding in my mind long after I left the movie theatre and had exhaustively recounted the myriad jokes and pranks depicted in the movie. More I think of it, it is a message which carries great depth and wisdom. More so, since it is apparently a principle that Aamir himself abides by.  If you consider the body of work he has churned out over the past decade, it will be undisputedly evident.

It  has been the work which has been the focus of the thespian and not awards, recognition or marketing. His work speaks for itself and has set not just benchmark for the rest of the industry to aspire to time and again, but has also been the cornerstone of different phases of Indian cinema. While QSQT ushered in an era of ‘chocolate boy’ romances, Lagaan brought the focus on period films, and DCH set the tone for slick flicks centred around the current generation. Each of his works have a sustainable quality to them which speaks of the attention to detail and pursuit of excellence. Success has naturally followed, what with Oscar nominations, national awards, revenues et al.

He has not let the critics and media detract from his pursuit nor has he been fazed by apparent rejection by the industry ‘sponsored’ awards. So much so, that even the ridicule bestowed by him by award  show hosts has not been able to evoke any response from him. It is the work which does the talking.

This uncanny resolve towards excellence, undeterred by distractions and superfluous considerations, is traceable in many of the masters across different arenas of the society. Two names that come to mind without much strain are Sachin Tendulkar and Ratan Tata. Both legendary personalities have always been known for putting their heads down and concentrating on their work. Not letting extraneous considerations, predicaments, emotions, distractions and detractors divert them from their pursuit of their passions and achievement of the pinnacle of excellence in what they do.

When Sachin goes out in the field, he plays only for one person…HIMSELF….not India, not his family, not for you or me…he plays for he wants to contribute to cricket and reach towards the goal of self actualization which is ever elusive and ever evolving. He does not care about statistics, critics, or records…these just follow.

Similarly when Ratan Tata took hold of the beleaguered Tata Sons, or when he was faced with apparently insurmountable odds with respect to the Nano launch or the Corus acquisition, he put his head down and worked to pursue the goal of excellence. Success followed.

Come to think of it, this principle is not a revelation of biblical proportions nor is it complex by any measure. But like most things ingenious in life, it is simple and obvious. Pity most of us do not appreciate it, or having realized it, forget it too fast. For we manage to get wrapped up in the rat race, one up-manship and petty inter-personal issues.

Is it really so hard to just find what you like to do and pursue excellence in it without letting anything or anyone distract you from it? Even an idiot could do that.


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