He Died Today

He died today

Was it an unexpected jolt

or did the world wither away his vitality painfully over time

Only he knows


He died today

Is he happy for how he enriched the lives of people around him

Is he sad that he got used and trivialized in return

Only he knows


He died today

Did his body break first or his spirit

Under the weight of undefended allegations and unfulfilled expectations

Only he knows


He died today

Did it pain more before he voiced his pervading need for love or after he was rejected as being undeserving

Only he knows


He died today

The numb blandness glazed over his eyes

Did the expectations and sentiments fade away or do they still adorn his soul suppressed and mutilated

Only he knows


He died today

Did the purity of his soul get tarnished with the colour of estrangement

Or did it get jaded with persecution and ridicule

Only he knows



He died today

What shall you do

Ask him to answer these questions which may fleetingly graze your conscience

Or bury him in the coffin of your judgement and  be on your way


He died today

Do you know?


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