My phone lost its virginity

Well its official….my phone has lost its virginity…no it didn’t get f&*(ed…I flashed it with a new ROM. 🙂

To all the uninitiated, flashing a ROM is equivalent of putting a new engine in the car. Its when you graduate from living with the standard factory fitted operating system to a customized backbone operating system for your phone.

Of course, since we are talking of sophisticated stuff here, I need not specify that this is possible only with Windows Mobile OS phones and not iphone, Nokia etc. The latter does not respect its customer’s abilities so as to allow them to experiment and create something to their own liking.

So while the users of the other phones are stuck with standard stuff, all windows OS users can head on over to xda developers and take their pick of the custom ROMs available there for their use.

Not only are these ROMs outstandingly fast, they also contain the latest software improvements, ranging from motion sensors, to 3d games and user interface from phones yet to be launched (read HTC TOuch Pro2).

So guys, I strongly encourage all of you to:

1. Switch to a windows mobile phone;

2. Flash a custom ROM; and then

3. Flash another custome ROM when you get bored of the previous one.

In the process you will begin to appreciate that you can do with your phone everything which you never thought possible, but only had to put your mind to it, something like going outside the MATRIX to realize the fallacy of that which you always accepted as a given.

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