Here goes…

01.    Because Steve Jobs has pulled off a coup by feigning illness and spending last few months at Microsoft facilities to be able to understand the technological nuances of the ‘copy & paste’ feature….this feature now finds its way to the newest version of Iphone much to the dismay of its rivals.

02.   Because it provides the ability to forward messages….a feature heralding the true 3G era!!!

03.   Because it allows for video calling…you just need to put a mirror behind the phone so that the strategically placed back camera can capture your reflection in the mirror and enable the caller at the other end to view your mug.

04.  Because it sets the benchmark with a QVGA resolution while competitors are wasting their time scaling up to VGA.

05.   Because it has a revolutionary 3.0 megapixel camera with video capture….way to stay ahead of the curve!!!

06.  Because it has expandable storage and a removable battery.

07.   Because it has only one button on the face, for all of us people who find it intellectually challenging to handle any gadget with more than one button.

08.  Because it’s a chick magnet with a magnetometer built in.

09.  Because it has the greatest LED flash accompanying the revolutionary camera..NOT.

10.    Because I am too scared to experiment with any sophisticated hardware and OS such as Windows Mobile.


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