The best chocolate in the World

Here I am sitting and writing this at half past twelve in the middle of the night!!!

You must be wondering what’s wrong with me….well I am a chocoholic…but this is not a confession or an intervention. It’s just that I have this incessant urge to share my discovery with everyone (or at least the few who would bother reading my nonsense).

Being a chocoholic, you would have guessed that I have over the years ‘sampled’ (in the loose sense of the word) a huge variety of chocolates. Ranging from fine belgian truffles to Swiss pralines to nut assortments to the shameful excuse of mud like tasting chocolates that Cadburys markets in India.

The taste has evolved…so I would rather call myself a connoissuer than a chocoholic.

Over the years two categorical yet gradual changes have occurred in my chocolate eating habits.

First: I have decisively moved from plain to the bitter/dark variety; and with this transition, the plain variety has started tasting like Sh&%. Don’t even get me started on the ‘white’ variations.

Second: It’s the simple chocolate bar, which I have realized as the real connoisseur’s chocolate rather than any fancy shmancy variations loaded with nuts or with soft centres or with liquor (at least that proves I am not an alcoholic).

So listen up…it is my considered opinion, that the best chocolate in the world is made by Cote d’or – the dark chocolate bars.

Cote d’or chocolates are now available to us common folk easily in most foreign airports, off the shelf. This is because Cote d’or has, over the last couple of years, changed the marketing strategy and their chocolates have proliferated in the common marketplace (at least in most developed markets). They are now as easily available as the Godivas, Toblerones and Lindts of the world.

On to the reasoning for my choice then…

When you put a Cote D’or chocolate in your mouth, you realize what real chocolate tastes like and the true meaning of the word itself ‘CHOCOLATE’. It is because the chocolates are pure and unadulterated cocoa…no sweeteners, no sludge, no adulterants, and no distractions (read nuts, fillings etc).  

Once you acquire the taste for real Cote d’or chocolates, you palate will lose its tolerance for any of the mediocre chocolates such as Lindt, Godiva, Cadburys and Hersheys. Not only will you realize that these chocolates are relatively flavourless, but are also adulterated and lacking the texture which defines true chocolate.

The true test of real chocolate is simple…you should feel the need to have very little at a time…and the taste should linger. If this does not happen…it’s a scam.

Trust me…I must know what I am talking about, after all what else would drive someone to write something as inane as this article at this time of the night, other than a lingering taste of the world’s best chocolate.

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