Here is my countdown of top ten TV shows of all time…goes without saying that I do earnestly recommend each one of these as a must watch!!!

10.         ENTOURAGE – For being a slick fun show delivered with typical Hollywood panache. For inspiring and catering to every guy’s dream-list of cars, women, movies and glamour. For the sense of humour of Ari Gold.

09.         FRIENDS – For being the classic sitcom which you can watch over and over again from any episode and relive the carefree times of the telly friends. For the smoothly contoured plot lines and for the career defining characters of the six friends.

08.         SEINFELD – For being a rule breaker of a sitcom. For being absolutely about nothing. For the genius of Jerry Seinfeld and for that feeling of lightness at the end of each episode.

07.         WONDER YEARS – For being the classic reminiscent show. For helping us relive the innocence and complications of childhood in modern urban world. For teaching us so much about life through the eyes of Kevin Arnold.

06.         MAD MEN – For being one of the best made period shows. For being a drama set in the context of the moral ambiguities and global events of the 60’s. For its superb writing and acting performances. For the slick style of Don Draper.

05.         OFFICE – For the absolutely side splitting humour of Steve Carell. For the understated tone of the show. For the realistic nature of the storyline.

04.         MASH – For being one of the earliest and most successful sitcoms. For presenting the reality of war and bloodshed through a totally different perspective. For the cynical wry humour of Alan Alda.

03.         WIRE – For the intricately woven plot lines. For being the most realistic and addictive police shows on TV. For being one of the few TV shows to pull it off with an unknown star cast. For being so much better than the CSI’s and Law & Orders of the world.

02.         WEST WING – For being one of the best researched shows on TV. For the courage of depicting the current day global political sensitivities in a objective fashion and having the nerve of suggesting solutions for the same. For Michael Sheen’s hair raising performance as the US President.

01.         SOPRANOS – For the sheer genius in its writing. For the absolutely incomparable performances by its actors. For the classic dialogues. For being the best and most realistic cinematic depiction of organized crime. For being one of the most humorous shows despite being a drama series. For having an ending which will forever be talked about and debated. For the best ever performance of a mafia boss ever by James Gandolfini (Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Marlo Brando notwithstanding)!!!






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